
Trent University

One of Canada's top universities, Trent University offers renowned academic programs across the arts, sciences, social sciences and professional programs at two campuses in Peterborough and Durham GTA, Ontario.

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One of Canada’s top universities, Trent University offers renowned academic programs across the arts, sciences, social sciences and professional programs at two campuses in Peterborough and Durham GTA. Consistently recognized for leadership in teaching, research and student satisfaction, Trent attracts excellent students from across the country and around the world. Trent University provides students with the edge to succeed in the competitive global world of work through an unparalleled personal and transformative learning environment focused on teaching and career-boosting hands-on learning experiences. Learn more about Trent today. For more information, click on the links below.
trentu.ca/discover | discovertrent@trentu.ca | 1-888-739-8885

Peterborough, ON

Oshawa, ON

Jonathan Semugaza, Enrolment Officer, Trent University

Jonathan Semugaza

Enrolment Officer

Phone: 705-748-1011 x 7206

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